How and Why
   • Desiring to save traditional timber frames we realize that identifying them is key.
   • Recognizing the incredible combination of human and natural resources in these traditional timber frames is important.
   • Acknowledging the fact that traditional timber frames are versatile and adaptive by virtue of design is information worthy of sharing.
   • Sticking to the time-tested traditional and sustainable building philosophy, using renewable and regional materials, i.e. lumber and stone, in coordination with like-minded craftsmen, i.e. timberframers, carpenters and masons, the traditional timber frame can be taken care of perpetually.
   • Realizing the traditional timber framing with its many possible modern uses, as well as the beautiful "preservation" use is what we do at McNamara Construction. Thus, we are looking for those who wish to save traditional timber frames.
Writer’s StudioBrackney, Pennsylvania
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McNamara Construction • RR 1, Box 1368 • Friendsville, PA 18818 • 570-553-2432 • email

Photo by Van Zandbergen Photography